Harry Bergeson Interview

Axel Bergeson, Reporter

My grandpa is a super happy and funny guy. His name is Harry, he always tries keeping the best outlook in every situation. He is the best person I know. When he came over for the interview we sat at the wood table directly beside the Christmas tree. The tree lights were shining on us, but we didn’t mind.

When he discussed his experiences back in school and whether he enjoyed it, he explained, “I don’t know. It was just going to school, and it was fairly formal. The buildings were block walls, no carpet, no AC; they weren’t really comfortable. That would be it really they were just plain, when you look at schools now there fancy more and accommodated like before they were just block buildings. You just went there to learn.”

He went to a tech school, so his days were divided between academic and shop classes. “History was my favorite academic subject.” “My second favorite would have to be math, I didn’t like English. I personally like American history probably cause I had a interest of my ancestors and that was a way to learn about what people before us had gone through.”

Being a Christian has always been  important to him. “Well I just learned about it from being a child and as a child I’d go to church and learned about it. I don’t think I made a choice, I just kind of grew with it.” He was baptized when he was six.  “As you grow up you just think about how things make sense about Christianity, you just tend to believe and stay with it.” 

Harry found Christianity a calming influence. “It’s also a social group. There are a lot of nice people at the church. I think it’s good to have a system of faith, so you can put things in a better frame of reference.”

I don’t know that I had a dream job but I always wanted to join the army I mean I think I had a foot locker that I kept my clothes in I had a dresser too but I liked the foot locker until I got older and just didn’t wanna be in the army anymore. So I just don’t have a dream job.”

He never truly had a dream job, he kind of wanted to join the army, but he dropped it as he grew up not wanting to stick with it anymore, as it didn’t look too good in his opinion, there was just something about it that he couldn’t explain that turned him off from the military instead of wanting to join.