Is Technology Helping or Hurting Students?

Olivia Billis, Reporter

Over the past several years, technology has been incorporated into high school education to the extent that it is depended on. Some see the technology-based learning as a welcome change, while others feel as though it treads upon their academic success.

Students seem to enjoy the inclusion of iPads, laptops, and various educational online games like Kahoot in their high school experience. Students found it more convenient to use laptops and iPads in the classrooms rather than needing go to the computer labs, which are not always available for use when needed.

Sophomores expressed their liking for using Kahoot in history classes, as it served as a useful study tool. Whenever there was an upcoming quiz or test, they spent time in class playing review games the teacher previously created through Kahoot. In addition, the school is experimenting with allowing cellphone use during class, which students enjoy rather than being punished for their use of electronics.

Not all aspects of learning through technology, however, are beneficial. A common example is what schools refer to as Flipped Classroom. Here, Flipped Classroom is being used in several math classes, where students will watch video lessons and take notes on new topics for homework, and the teacher will give assignments and problems during the class period. Many students frown when they hear Flipped Classroom mentioned.

Students argue that Flipped Classroom is not a thorough, understandable method of learning, and fear they do not learn as much as they would if their teachers were giving them the lessons in class.

“I learned more from my teacher than from Flipped Classroom,” recalled sophomore Jannatul Anika, remembering her past experiences with this new way of learning. “Math is becoming a very tech-based subject.”

“We’re supposed to understand the notes, but we don’t,” said sophomore Angelina Owens.

Students seem to think that the Flipped Classroom method is ineffective, and is difficult to comprehend. Learning from a teacher in a real school classroom is generally preferred by students.

Other issues with technology-based learning include the risk of a computer breaking, losing power, or not living in a family that is fond of the major evolution of technology. Increased cell phone use in classrooms may also encourage the use both in and outside of class, increasing the assumption by students that the extensive amount of time spent on phones is acceptable in all situations. Ideally, schools will consider the positives and negatives of using a large amount of technology with students, and will base how education is provided off of what enables the students to best succeed.