New Calendar Year Brings Midterms

Tricia Hauser

Returning from the relaxing holiday vacation means the mid-year mark is coming and students all know what that means….MIDTERMS. Midterms begin soon after the long winter vacation. The beginning of the second half of the school year starts off with a rush of studying.

”I’m doomed. I am going to study very hard for Pre-Calculus, Spanish and Anatomy,” stated Senior Raquel Delgadillo.

Some may feel the same, though others may not, as it’s different with each person. Some students may say, “I love midterms” or “Oh No! I am not ready, I need to study.”

It is always a good idea to always prepare for future success. For example, it’s a good idea to prepare yourself to get ahead off the game in school.

Midterms mark the start of a new calendar year and a new school semester. Some students may be completely ready when the time come around, others may be doomed because they have not payed attention in their classes or done the work assigned

“EW! I just want to roll over and die. I hate midterms!” Senior Juanita Wilbur shouted in disgust.

The way to achieve success is study hard and stay positive. Midterms are just a bump in the road.