The Stranger Book Review


Book cover done by Gallimard (France) Alfred A. Knopf (United States) Hamish Hamilton (United Kingdom)

Isabella Kimball, Editor

The Stranger, a major work in Albert Camus absurdist philosophy, is a quick read with deep meaning. Following the life of Meursault and the troubles he experiences, The Stranger exemplifies Camus’s philosophy that life has no redeeming meaning or purpose. Absurdist philosophy embraces the fact that life itself is absurd, and because of this humans cannot reason with a world that has no inherent meaning. It is similar to the philosophies of nihilism and existentialism. The Stranger helps portray absurdism in a real aspect of life by applying it to a human. It is a fantastic piece, and is not the typical dense, philosophical literature you find in other works, such as Crime and Punishment (sorry Dostoevsky). If you are looking to dip into the daunting world of philosophy, The Stranger is a great first step. If you finish The Stranger, other notable works by Camus, such as Myth of Sisyphus and The Rebel, are also sensational pieces of literature. Personally, I find philosophical works attractive, until I open the first page and cannot comprehend what the author has to say, however, The Stranger is a very simple and light piece that anyone can get through. I loved The Stranger, and look forward to reading it again, as well as Camus’ other works. I give this book 4.5 out of 5 stars.